Donnerstag, Oktober 27, 2005
Citebase - Clock Synchronization and Navigation in the Vicinity of the Earth
Grundsatzartikel zur GPS Uhrensynchronisation
Clock synchronization is the backbone of applications such as high-accuracy satellite navigation, geolocation, space-based interferometry, and cryptographic communication systems. The high accuracy of synchronization needed over satellite-to-ground and satellite-to-satellite distances requires the use of general relativistic concepts. The role of geometrical optics and antenna phase center approximations are discussed in high accuracy work. The clock synchronization problem is explored from a general relativistic point of view, with emphasis on the local measurement process and the use of the tetrad formalism as the correct model of relativistic measurements. The treatment makes use of J. L. Synge's world function of space-time as a basic coordinate independent geometric concept. A metric is used for space-time in the vicinity of the Earth, where coordinate time is proper time on the geoid. The problem of satellite clock syntonization is analyzed by numerically integrating the geodesic equations of motion for low-Earth orbit (LEO), geosynchronous orbit (GEO), and highly elliptical orbit (HEO) satellites. Proper time minus coordinate time is computed for satellites in these orbital regimes. The frequency shift as a function of time is computed for a signal observed on the Earth's geoid from a LEO, GEO, and HEO satellite. Finally, the problem of geolocation in curved space-time is briefly explored using the world function formalism.
Comment: 49 pages, 19 figures. To be published in 'Progress in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Research', Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, December 2004. Paper was replaced due to font problems in the figures"
Clock synchronization is the backbone of applications such as high-accuracy satellite navigation, geolocation, space-based interferometry, and cryptographic communication systems. The high accuracy of synchronization needed over satellite-to-ground and satellite-to-satellite distances requires the use of general relativistic concepts. The role of geometrical optics and antenna phase center approximations are discussed in high accuracy work. The clock synchronization problem is explored from a general relativistic point of view, with emphasis on the local measurement process and the use of the tetrad formalism as the correct model of relativistic measurements. The treatment makes use of J. L. Synge's world function of space-time as a basic coordinate independent geometric concept. A metric is used for space-time in the vicinity of the Earth, where coordinate time is proper time on the geoid. The problem of satellite clock syntonization is analyzed by numerically integrating the geodesic equations of motion for low-Earth orbit (LEO), geosynchronous orbit (GEO), and highly elliptical orbit (HEO) satellites. Proper time minus coordinate time is computed for satellites in these orbital regimes. The frequency shift as a function of time is computed for a signal observed on the Earth's geoid from a LEO, GEO, and HEO satellite. Finally, the problem of geolocation in curved space-time is briefly explored using the world function formalism.
Comment: 49 pages, 19 figures. To be published in 'Progress in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Research', Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, December 2004. Paper was replaced due to font problems in the figures"
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Mittwoch, Oktober 26, 2005
This is not the official web site ofBrauerei F...
Brauerei Fässla
Obere Königsstraße 19-21 D-96052 Bamberg Bayern +49 0951 / 2 65 16 +49 0951 / 20 19 89 | Update This Information |
Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:30am, Sunday 8:30am-1:00pm.
Opened: 1649.
Hotel rooms are available.
Fässla is across the street from Spezial, and just down the road from Maisel Bamberger Weissbier Haus. There are 21 hotel rooms upstairs.
My Opinion Of The Fässla Beers That I've Tried: 17 points overall
Last visit: March 27, 2003
- 8.5% abv.
- 5.5% abv.
- Date: 27-Mar-2003 (41-4762)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 17½ pointsOverall Impression
Bright pale golden, with a nice thickhead. Big herbal hop aroma. Medium-light body. Lots of fresh clean maltflavor, with a tasty hop flavor and bitterness for balance. Lingeringbitter finish with a little sulfury malt character.
- 5.5% abv.
- Date: 27-Mar-2003 (41-4764)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 16 pointsOverall Impression
Deep bright gold. Thick head. Sweetmalt and perfumey hop aroma. Medium body. Big sweet toasty maltiness.Really quite sweet all the way through. Hop flavor and bitternessstarts in the middle and lingers through the finish, which is stillpretty sweet.
- Date: 27-Mar-2003 (41-4761)Package: bottledPlace: at the breweryScore: 16½ pointsOverall Impression
Yellow, hazy, with a thick densehead. Herbal, banana aroma. Light fizzy body. Huge banana start yieldsto a big sweet wheat malt finish.
- 6.0% abv.
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Dienstag, Oktober 25, 2005
Faust DVD Labels
Windows Mobile 5.0 für PDAs und Smartphon...
Windows Mobile 5.0 für PDAs und Smartphones vorgestellt
Neue WindowsCE-Version von Microsoft mit zahlreichen Neuerungen
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